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The Covid-19 (Corona Virus) pandemic is highly topical at the moment and we at Mobius Consulting have taken a clear stance on this.


Mobius Consulting has implemented, with immediate effect, a remote-working policy in the South African, Mauritius and UK offices for the next two weeks. Our clients have met this decision with support and are confident that we will keep up our service levels during this period.

“We’ve always had a principle of working from wherever our staff feel most productive,” says Patrick Ryan, CEO of ​Mobius Consulting and ​Phinity Risk Management​. “We are experts in reducing and managing risk both in our clients’ companies and in our own, so this time is just an extension of the business continuity steps we put in place in preparation for business disruptions of this nature.”


Mobius and Phinity staff will not be undertaking any business or personal travel during this period, and those that have travelled recently will be self-isolating and getting tested as necessary.
This link shows the current countries classified as high-risk – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/after-travel-precautions.html​. Please note that cruise ships are also regarded as high risk.
We will also, wherever possible, screen service providers and visitors to the offices to ensure that they have not travelled to a high-risk country in the prior 14 days.


All Mobius Consulting and Phinity Risk Management staff are equipped with laptops, mobile data, and cloud-based systems to enable them to work remotely as necessary. “​We have challenged ourselves to discover even more effective ways of servicing our clients in this time,” says Patrick. “We want to live up to our ‘Why’ of ‘​We innovate and collaborate to create peace of mind’ and be the role models to our clients of how this new way of working could work in the future. More online collaboration, virtual stand-up meetings, new online tools, etc. are all things we can explore and perfect for our purposes, and in the spirit of our ‘​Knowledge creation and sharing’ ​ values.”


In addition to the other global challenges that the world is facing, South Africa has the additional challenge of load shedding. Mobius Consulting and Phinity Risk Management teams are there for careful to monitor laptop batteries during this time to reduce any further downtime.


Staff are encouraged to follow the basic steps of prevention; the primary defence against the disease being good personal hygiene, including:

  • Washing hands regularly with soap and water and/or alcohol-based hand sanitiser. For more info – ​https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/pdf/hand-sanitizer-factsheet.pdf
  • Covering nose and mouth (preferably with a tissue) when coughing or sneezing, then disposing of tissue and wash hands. For more info – https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/hygiene/etiquette/coughing_sneezing.html
  • Avoiding touching of the face (eyes, nose, mouth) with hands unnecessarily.
  • Avoiding close contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Avoiding sharing of dishes, glasses, bedding and other household items if you’re sick.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are often touched.


If you think you may have contracted Covid-19, please remember that symptoms include cough, fever (>37.8 degrees) and shortness of breath.
The steps to follow are:

  1. Stay HOME.
  2. Contact your doctor or local clinic – do not go to the doctor’s rooms or clinic
  3. Your doctor will contact the National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD)
  4. There will be a questionnaire to complete.
  5. If you meet the criteria of a patient with suspected COVID-19, the NICD will send a tracker/tracer to your home to take a respiratory tract sample (e.g. nose or throat swab).
  6. This swab will be taken for testing.
  7. Results within 24 hours.
  8. If positive, the NICD in conjunction with your doctor will advise the quarantine, treatment and will monitor the case.

Mobius Consulting and Phinity Risk Management suggest that customers, suppliers and staff utilise the following link for factual updates rather than popular media, in order to minimise hype and sensationalism: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports​.